Description: Your Virtual Canary is not playing nice? Below we will cover the steps to run through a few diagnostic tests to check the Canaries network connectivity from the VLAN it is currently deployed on to your Canary Console.
Note: The Virtual Canary log in username is "canary".
Step 1:
Log in to your Console.
Step 2:
1 - Click the + icon
2 - Click Add Canary.
Step 3:
Select the Virtual Canary your are using:
- VMWare Canary
- Hyper-V Canary
Step 4:
Your password will be displayed for the Virtual Canary you selected:
1. VMWare Canary
2. Hyper-V Canary
Step 5:
Log in to your hypervisor.
Note: We are using VMWare ESXi in our example and steps may vary slightly depending on your hypervisor.
Step 6:
Locate your Virtual Canary in your hypervisor and log in using the Password obtained from your Console in Steps 1 - 4 above and the username "canary".
Step 7:
Head down to option "h - Diagnostics" and hit enter.
Step 8:
This will take you to the Diagnostics page where we will run through a few quick commands to test the Canaries communication back to your Canary Console (DNS requests).
Note: Type each command on a new line.
1. Confirm NS records return AWS servers - In the terminal type out the commands for test 1 :
- set type=ns
Working test
Failed test
2. Confirm top-level ping returns "pong"
- set type=txt
Working test
Failed test
3. Confirm Console ping returns ""
Working test
Failed test
4. Confirm Console ping returns <type_random_alphanumerics>
Working test
Failed test
We're always happy to jump on a quick call with you to run through these test, give us a shout at