When one of your Canaries or Canarytokens chirps, we notify you of the incident on your Console's web interface and through your configured notification channels like Email, Webhooks, Syslog, and more. The created incident includes timestamps relating to events included in the incident. The page shows how the timezone can be configured for certain of these notification channels through two settings:
- The Global Notification Timezone
- The User Notification Timezone
Note: Incident timestamps presented on your Console's web UI always use the browser's timezone, which is typically derived from your system's clock. We show that timezone's current offset from UTC, and this is user-configurable by changing your local clock settings, not inside the Canary Console.
Global Notification Timezone
Timestamps in incidents sent to your configured notification channels are presented using UTC as the default timezone. You can change this timezone to a preferred one. This is the Global Notification Timezone.
If the Global Notification Timezone is not activated, then we default to using UTC as the Global Notification Timezone.
Note: The format used in incident timestamps changes depending on whether the Global Notification Timezone is activated.
The Global Timezone is only effective on the following notification channels:
- Email notifications
- SMS notifications
- Slack webhook notifications
- MS Teams webhook notifications
- Generic webhook notifications
- Note: When the Global Notification Timezone is activated, the incident payload sent to Generic webhooks will include an extra timestamp field, TimestampGlobalTZ, which is the Global Notification Timezone applied to the incident's timestamp. The incident's timestamp field, Timestamp, will remain in the payload with the default UTC timezone applied to it:
The following notification channels will always use UTC as the timezone for timestamps:
- Syslog notifications
- Splunk webhook notifications
User Notification Timezone
Console Users have the ability to choose the timezone used for incident timestamps sent to their own email address. This is the User Notification Timezone, and only applies to emails sent to the user.
If a Console User's Notification Timezone is not activated, the Global Notification Timezone(if activated) will be used as a Console User's Notification Timezone. And if the Global Notification Timezone is not active, the default UTC timezone will be used as a Console User's Notification Timezone.