Cloud Canaries have received a major update in 2.1.3. This page describes the significant changes, and how to take advantage of the new AMIs.
Major changes
- Cloud birds now use the internal AWS DNS infrastructure, so can be completely internal with 0 outbound rules.
- The birds will report their public IP address and VPC to the console, so you can quickly see where a bird is located in your EC2 infrastructure.
- When a Cloud bird is decommissioned, it will now power down itself. This saves you from being charged for a running instance which isn't in communication with its Console.
- Canarytokens integration to deploy tokened documents onto the Cloud birds.
- Remote AD join ability for hosted AD environments.
- Long-lived connection support in the Custom TCP Service to keep a plausible connection open indefinitely, so that it appears in a legitimate host's network connection table.
- Tweak IP TTL settings depending on the device profile.
- New profiles.
- Improvements to the communications channel to speed up settings and updates.
- Assorted tweaks, fixes and optimizations.
Who gets the new update?
Everyone with Cloud Canaries. By the time you read this, your Console will already have the new AMIs available.
How do I use the new AMIs?
The process hasn't changed since the last time. You can login to your Console, click "Setup", scroll down to your Cloud Canaries, and click "Launch" next to one of your new AMIs.
If you launch your Cloud birds automatically with tools like Terraform or CloudFormation, simply grab the new AMI-id from your Console's Setup page, and replace the old AMI-id with the new one.
What happens to my current instances?
Your current instances are most likely 2.0.2 Cloud birds. We're in the process of building the update which will make them 2.1.3 birds. In short, hold tight, an update for old birds is coming.
What happens to my old AMIs?
Nothing! They're still accessible on EC2, and you can still launch and use them. To limit the scope for confusion we remove them from your Console's Settings page, so you'll only see the most recent AMIs listed there.
If you do want to revisit an old AMI, simply login to AWS and open EC2. Then click "AMIs" on the left menu, hit the dropdown and select "Private images":