Follow the steps below to enable an HTTPS website on your Canary device.
Generate your certificate and key
The encrypted website relies on regular certificates, so the first step is to obtain or create a certificate and key.
If you like, you can purchase a certificate or obtain one from your internal CA (if you have).
On the other hand, you can quickly generate a self-signed certificate to get up and running with this command (it requires the free OpenSSL tool):
$ openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -subj "/"
This generates a certificate for "", and outputs the key into key.pem, and the certificate into cert.pem. You can generate certificates for any hostname you wish.
Step 1:
Login to your console.
Step 2:
Select the Canary you want to enable the HTTPS website on.
Step 3:
Select the Configure Canary button.
Step 4:
Scroll down to the “HTTPS Web Server” section and ensure that the service and at least one HTTPS instance is enabled.
Step 5:
Open the cert.pem file, copy the contents and paste into the Certificate field:
Step 6:
Open the key.pem file, copy the contents and paste into the Key field:
Step 7:
Click "Deploy new configuration" to push the new settings to your bird.