Description: Adding files to the Windows file share on the Canary using the remote management found in your Canary console.
Step 1:
Log in to your Console.
Step 2:
Click on the Canary you want to configure the Windows File Share on.
Step 3:
Click on Configure Canary.
Step 4:
Scroll down to the Windows File Share and "Right-click" on the file structure.
Step 5:
Navigate to "New" and select "Upload a custom file".
Step 6:
A new pop up will appear and you will then need to select Browse and navigate to the file you require to upload.
Please note: The file limit is capped at 50KB owing to constraints pushing files down to canary. Larger files can be uploaded by configuring the Canary in Bluetooth mode.
Step 7:
The file will then be uploaded to your Canary.
Step 8:
Once you've made the changes you will then need to click on Deploy new configuration.
Step 9:
Your new configuration will be pushed down to your Canary. Once it gets to 100%, the Canary will then reboot and connect back to your Console with the new configuration.