Description: This error occurs when the following webserver skins are applied:
- IIS 7 Skin
- JBoss Login
- MS Sharepoint 2010 Login
- CUPS Web Interface
To get around this, please follow the below steps:
Step 1:
Log in to your Console.
Step 2:
Select the Canary you want to configure a custom webroot on.
Note: we have selected the CT-Office-01 Canary.
Step 3:
Click on Configure Canary.
Step 4:
1 - Scroll down to WEBSERVER and
2 - Change the HTTP Page Skin to Plain HTML, from the drop down list.
Step 5:
Scroll to the bottom of the configuration page and click on Deploy new configuration.
Step 6:
Wait for the Settings Push to finish.
Step 7:
Once the deployment finishes, you can follow the normal steps to uploading a custom webroot to your Canary.