Enable Single Sign-On from Keycloak to your Canary Console with these steps.
Step 1: SAML parameters
Login to your Console, click the green Gear Icon on the top right hand side of your screen, select "Global Settings" and scroll down to the SAML section at the bottom of the page. You will find the info for your Console (pictured below) that you'll need later:
Step 2: Keycloak clients configuration
Head over to your Keycloak Administration Console.
With your desired realm selected, select Clients and then Create client.
Within our new client, configure the following fields.
Client Type - SAML
Client ID - Your unique SP Entity ID URL received from the Canary Console.
Name - A friendly name.
Always display in console - On
Go ahead and click on Save when complete.
Configure the below fields under Access settings.
Root URL - Your unique SP Entity ID URL received from the Canary Console.
Valid redirect URIs - Your unique ACS (Login URL) received from the Canary Console.
Configure the following fields under SAML capabilities and Signature and Encryption.
Name ID format - email
Sign documents - Off
Sign assertions - On
Go ahead and click Save when complete.
Head over to the Keys tab.
Disable the Signing keys config toggle.
Head over to the Advanced tab.
Configure the following fields under Fine Grain SAML Endpoint Configuration
Assertion Consumer Service Redirect Binding URL - Your unique ACS (Login URL) received from the Canary Console.
Step 3: Assigning users to the Canary Console
Head over to the Roles tab, then select Create role.
Enter a friendly Role name, then click Save.
Head over to Users pane, then select the user you'd like to assign access to.
Select the Role mapping tab, then select Assign role.
In the new pop up window, Filter by clients and check the Canary Console's role created earlier.
Select Assign to move on to the next steps.
Step 4: SAML Metadata XML
The Canary Support team will need your Keycloak Metadata file.
Head over to the Realm settings pane.
Select the General tab.
Right click on the SAML 2.0 Identity Provider Metadata hyperlink, and select Save Link As...
The downloaded saml_metadata.xml file can now be sent to the Canary Support team at, to be added to your Console.
Step 5: Login Test
You'll know it's working when you see your Console Login page show a "Login with SSO" button:
Clicking the link will initiate SSO login.